The Truth About Israel
You are either on the side of the oppressed, with the Palestinians, or you are on the side of the israeli oppressors and colonizers. There’s no in-between.
Every single time they talk about Palestine they always want to make this about Hamas. This is not about Hamas. This is not about Arabs vs Jews. People think the Palestinian issue is such a complex issue. It’s not. This is an extremely simple matter. This is about human rights. This is about standing up to oppressors. This is about opposing colonizers.
Palestinians are living under an israeli military occupation, the israelis treat them like third rate citizens on their own land. As we speak there are Zionist mobs marching through the streets of Jerusalem chanting death to Arabs and smashing in Palestinian owned-shops because they know the israeli police will protect them.
Right now israel is evicting Palestinian families in East Jerusalem in Sheikh Jarrah. Why? To make way for Jewish settlers. People hear this and they go no way, that’s not real. How do you think israel came into existence? What do you think israel is? You think millions of Palestinians just decided to all leave their homes and burn down their own villages for no reason? Israel’s entire existence depends on kicking Palestinians out of their homes and ethnically cleansing Palestine. Since 1948 millions of Palestinians were forced to flee to other countries or displaced internally – and on top of that they’re stateless.
This is what israel is. This is the true face of Zionism– the one they don’t want you to see. Instead they want you to think that israel is the victim. Yes, poor israel, with its nuclear warheads, chemical weapons, air force, navy, unconditional backing of the West and billions of dollars in military aid every year from the US. Obviously this isn’t enough to deal with Palestinians throwing rocks and firing rockets– maybe they should go bomb Gaza again!
I mean seriously, just look at the death toll. Every single war, ten times more Palestinians are killed, the majority of them civilians. That’s not a war or a conflict, that’s a fucking bloodbath. And then they want you to believe that Palestinians are terrorists. Yeah, well I think israel sniping journalists, medics and nurses– that's terrorism. Israel bombing UN schools, that's terrorism. Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine, that's terrorism, teargassing people inside Al Aqsa mosque, that's terrorism. The real terrorist is israel and always has been. This is not a complex issue; you are either on the side of the oppressed, with the Palestinians, or you are on the side of the israeli oppressors and colonizers. There’s no in-between. In the end the Resistance, المقاومة, will prevail.