Outrageous.. first they came for Assange because exposing war criminals makes journalism a threat.. hope all your subscribers sound the alarm!!

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I congratulate you on your arrest. You are an inspiration and important voice for the people. You give us an alternative to the propaganda that the MSM promotes. Without you who provide honest, coherent and informed information to us. Scott Ritter has also been targeted for speaking the truth. In your parent’s honor keep up your service to the country. Thank you.

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I don't know how it works in the U.K. but in the U.S. they cannot interview you if you ask for a solicitor. And it is a bad idea to talk without legal representation present.

The reason you have been "detained" or arrested, or whatever, is that you are telling the truth. And it makes their jobs much more difficult. I hope you will keep us abreast of your experience (unless a judge puts a gag order on you). There are plenty of people reporting about Gaza. You can report about a very specific and important aspect of this situation. Namely, how they are trying to silence journalists because they are afraid of the truth. Look, this is inevitable. This is what totalitarianism is all about. Don't take it personally. It's not personal.

Just keep things in perspective. It's uncomfortable and infuriating as hell. But it's not a damn Israeli jail cell. And the more people they harass like this, the more people take notice. Glad to know what happened. Keep us abreast of what's going on and how we can help. I think getting the word out is the most important thing. And connecting with others who have experienced similar harassment. It's just harassment. They want to shut up others so they make an example of you. Wear that badge with pride. You have friends all over. Get the word out. That is what they fear the most.

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We were warned at the “beginning” of this holocaust that allowing Israel to violate with impunity every human right, international law, and human decency in existence would lead to all of the other power-drunk or power-hungry governments figuring they could do the same. Open door to hell on earth.

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Scandalous. But, unfortunately, not surprising. It confirms that you are most definitely doing the right thing with your journalism that reaches around the world. For THEM that's a problem. You have an excellent network of fellow journalists and a base of loyal supporters that numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Keep on keeping on. And take care.

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I just upgraded my subscription. I wish I could do more.

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I didn't upgrade, I subscribed. Richard is an insightful journalist and will need all the help we can give.

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sue them

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Richard, I hope you're beginning to recover from the shock of your mistreatment. You have an important informed voice, which makes you a threat to evildoers. It won't be easy or comfortable to continue on now that you've experienced being a target, but your analysis of heinous events and your excellence as a teacher of the public are needed now more than ever. Summon your sumud--your inner strength, steadfastness, courage to continue. Your work is for good...God is with you.

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Thank you Pamela for alerting me to this horrific experience. I am now a supporter of Richard Medhurst materially as well as an admirer of his work for years. Stay strong Richard. We are here for you.

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Hi Richard. Solidarity.

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Don’t let this get you down and have faith that justice will prevail

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I just saw Richard on System Update, Glenn Greenwald's daily show on Rumble, and have subscribed in support. Best wishes to you, Richard.

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And stop moving around so much.

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I'm sure Brits know this already but this Alex Krainer's substack provides necessary context for those of us who do not live in Britain, and maybe some who do.


As well as a warning for the rest of us because most Western nations are not far behind. It also explains Israel's behavior of late. And the incredible stupidity of the ruling class in the USofA. Get out your spade and put in some deep beds, please, and acquire some old windows for cold frames. And if you have a woodlot, start stacking wood.

I'd stay away from Britain, if I were you.

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Truly shocking behaviour and, I imagine, would take you some time to recover from. So, behind this arrest was a person, someone to whom you are a thorn in their side. I think we know, after his record of purging leftwing politicians from the Labour Party. And worrying, that this is now where we are, that excellent journalists such as yourself, and peace activists such as Sarah Wilkinson, can be arrested and subjected to humiliating treatment for trumped up reasons. I just subscribed to your substack and hope others will also rise to support you.

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